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IR Policy

NetLink NBN Trust (“NetLink”) is committed to proactive, timely, and consistent communication with Unitholders, analysts, and the investment community. The Investor Relations (IR) team is the main intermediary between NetLink and Investors, and it facilitates effective communication with the Investors. To help Investors make informed investment decisions, NetLink NBN Trust is guided by the following principles and practices.

General Policy

At all times, we are committed to making timely, full, and accurate disclosure in accordance with the Listing Manual of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”) and the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance 2018.

This Policy is subject to regular review by the NetLink's senior management (“Management”) to ensure its effectiveness.

Unitholder Rights

NetLink is committed to treating all Unitholders fairly and equitably. We recognise, protect, and facilitate the exercise of Unitholders' rights, and constantly review and update such governance arrangements.

Communication Principles Communication Principles
Communication Channels Communication Channels
Unitholders' Enquiry Unitholders' Enquiry

Unitholder Privacy

NetLink NBN Trust recognises the importance of its Unitholders' privacy and does not disclose unitholder information without their consent unless required by law

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